What to Look For: Top Signs of Nursing Home Neglect
Nursing home neglect is a serious problem in the United States. According to a report from the National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care, nearly one in four nursing homes in the U.S. are cited for neglect each year. Neglect can take many forms, from failure to provide basic needs like food and water to not providing proper medical care.
Neglect can also be mental, such as not providing social interaction or stimulation. Nursing home neglect is often the result of understaffing. With too few staff members, providing adequate care for all residents can be challenging.
This can lead to rushed care and corners being cut. It’s essential to be aware of the signs of nursing home neglect, so you can take action if you suspect your loved one is being neglected. Signs of neglect include sudden weight loss, bedsores, dirty clothing or bedding, and changes in mood or personality.
In today’s article, let’s explore some top signs of nursing home neglect. This should help you know what to look for and ensure your loved one’s care and safety. Here’s what you need to know:
1. Unsanitary Conditions
One of the most obvious signs of nursing home neglect is unsanitary conditions. This can include dirty bedding, soiled clothing, and a general lack of cleanliness. A nursing home that is not properly cleaned can be a breeding ground for bacteria and illness. If you notice your loved one’s nursing home is dirty, be sure to speak to the staff about it.
2. Poorly Trained or Incompetent Staff
Another sign of nursing home neglect is poorly trained or incompetent staff. If you notice that the staff does not seem to know what they are doing or are constantly making mistakes, this is a red flag. You should also be concerned if you notice that the staff seems to be constantly arguing or is otherwise disruptive. These are signs that the staff is not properly trained or is not competent to care for your loved one.
3. Medication Errors
Medication errors are a sign of neglect in nursing homes. If residents are not getting their medications on time or in the correct doses, this can lead to serious health problems. If you notice any medication errors, report them to the proper authorities.
4. Inadequate Nutrition and Hydration
Poor nutrition is another sign of nursing home neglect. If a nursing home is not providing residents with proper nutrition, they may lose weight or become malnourished. If you notice that your loved one is losing weight or looks malnourished, speak to the staff about it.
Additionally, malnutrition and dehydration are common problems in nursing homes. If residents are not being fed properly or are not getting enough fluids, they may become malnourished or dehydrated. This can lead to a decline in their overall health. Look for signs of weight loss, fatigue, and dizziness.
5. Poor Personal Hygiene
Lack of hygiene is another sign of nursing home neglect. If a nursing home is not providing residents with proper hygiene care, they may develop bedsores or other health problems. If you notice your loved one is not properly cared for, be sure to speak to the staff about it.
The Bottom Line
As our loved ones age, it can become increasingly difficult for us to care for them the way they deserve. In some cases, nursing home care may be the best option. However, it’s essential to carefully research any nursing home before deciding, as abuse and neglect are unfortunately all too common in these facilities. Make sure to know the signs and always look for them.
If you are looking for the top personal injury law firm in Phoenix, you’re in the right place. Melanie Bossie, Mary Ellen Reilly, and Donna Oh founded Bossie, Reilly, & Oh to continue their mission to hold nursing homes, hospitals, group homes, and assisted living facilities accountable for the abuse and neglect of elders and vulnerable adults.
Our firm has litigated hundreds of elder abuse and neglect cases and recovered many six- and seven-figure settlements and verdicts for our clients. We firmly believe that the elderly and most vulnerable in our community deserve a voice, and we take pride in advocating for them. Contact us today to learn more and get started!