Possible Causes of Elderly Neglect that Should Not Be Ignored
Elder neglect is a serious and widespread problem in the United States. According to the National Center on Elder Abuse, it is estimated that between 1 and 2 million Americans aged 65 or older are victims of elder neglect each year. Elder neglect is defined as the failure of a caregiver or other responsible party to provide the necessary care and support a senior needs to maintain their quality of life.
Elderly neglect is a serious problem that is often overlooked in our society. The effects of elderly neglect can be devastating and lead to severe physical and mental health issues and even death. In some cases, the older adult may have the legal right to pursue a lawsuit against those responsible for their neglect.
You should consult a seasoned injury lawyer if you believe that a loved one has been neglected in a nursing home. Below are possible reasons that you should prompt you to consider legal action:
Lack of Adequate Staffing
When there is a shortage of employees in an elderly care facility, it can have a significant negative impact on the quality of care that the facility can provide to its residents. With fewer employees, less time is available to care for each individual, leading to a lower standard of care than expected. It can include inadequate staffing in terms of personal care, medical attention, and recreational activities.
There can also be a decrease in the amount of attention and support staff members can give each individual. With fewer staff members, it can be challenging to provide the same level of care needed to meet all residents’ needs. It can lead to increased stress and anxiety among staff and residents and can have a detrimental effect on the overall atmosphere of the facility.
If you believe that a nursing home has neglected your loved one due to understaffing, you can take legal action. An experienced injury lawyer can review your case’s facts and advise you on the best way to proceed.
Negligent Hiring
Nursing homeowners have a huge responsibility to ensure that their staff members are qualified and capable of providing excellent care to their residents. By taking proper steps to hire eligible staff members, the quality of care that a nursing home can provide will increase significantly.
In order to ensure that qualified staff members are hired, nursing home owners need to have an effective recruitment process in place. It should include researching the qualifications of potential employees and conducting interviews to assess their skills and knowledge. Additionally, it is important for nursing home owners to consider the experience level of the staff members they are hiring and make sure that they are qualified to provide the level of care that is required.
Background checks are also an essential part of the hiring process for long-term care facilities. Without conducting them, organizations may risk hiring individuals with a history of criminal activity or other dangerous behaviors that could put patients and staff in danger.
A background check is a process in which information about a potential employee is collected and reviewed. This information can include the individual’s criminal record, past employment history, references, and more. By conducting a background check, employers can gain insight into a potential employee’s character and decide if they are the right fit for the position.
In the long-term care industry, background checks are essential because the safety and well-being of patients and staff are of the utmost importance. Without conducting background checks, organizations may be unaware of an individual’s criminal history or other dangerous behaviors that could put patients and staff at risk.
Suppose you have seen any signs of elder neglect or mistreatment in a nursing home. In that case, you should seek legal advice from an experienced injury lawyer to determine if you have a valid elder neglect case. It is crucial to take action as soon as possible, as the statute of limitations may apply to specific legal claims. An injury lawyer will be able to evaluate the facts of your case and advise you on the best course of action.
If you are looking for a seasoned injury lawyer in Phoenix, you must turn to Bossie, Reilly, & Oh. We will review the evidence and present the best course of action. This way, you and your elderly loved one can get justice. So, schedule an appointment now!